Friday, May 11, 2012

100 Must-See Creative and Inspirational Workspace Setups

Here a compilation of 100+ must-see inspirational workspace setups, you may need to bookmark this page for later inspiration. Lots of great ideas and inspiration came from great working environment, particularly the workstation, therefore you might want to put in more thoughts on the place that you’ll spend most of your time at. The spaces in which we work have a direct effect on creativity and productivity, so it is important that offices are designed for maximum inspiration. The thing about workstations is that even if you have a nice one, seeing another awesome setup can make you a bit jealous. How does your workspace look?
Inspiring  Workstations of Mac Users

Saturday, May 5, 2012

35 Futuristic and Innovative Concept Tablets Designs

In this article we will present concepts which designers combined innovation and art to become something that consumers really thirsts for. While the tech world is waiting for the announcement of the rumored Apple iPad 3 device, we decided to feature 35 futuristic and innovative concept designs for tablets.
Enjoy them and let us know which tablet you hope to become true!

NoteSlate eSketcher

The NoteSlate eSketcher takes a bold direction in the world of gadgetry– simplicity. Life used to be so simple– just a pencil and paper combined as the perfect sidearm of the student, the artist and the list maker. Today we’ve got our laptops, our iPads, our Kindles and our mobile phones cluttering up our desks. The NoteSlate hopes to simplify that, providing one basic function to its user: the ability to write, draw and doodle to their heart’s content, just like pencil on paper.
(Image Source: